Did you know that 38,824 people died and 2,282,015 people received injuries in the 5,250,837 reported car accidents in 2020? Car accidents are scary and overwhelming, especially if you or someone in your vehicle gets injured.
Therefore, these are steps you should take after a car accident if you receive an injury.
Contact law enforcement
As soon as you can, call the police. If the incident results in an emergency situation, which if you got injured it does, call 911. Make sure the law enforcement officers on the scene fill out a full report that includes a preliminary investigation, witness statements and interviews, accident scene examination, vehicle inspections and interviews with the drivers. These officers should also determine fault. As soon as you can, get a copy of this report.
Document the scene
If you can, take pictures of the scene, including the vehicles involved in the incident, any debris you find from the accident and anyone who could have witnessed the crash. Write down your thoughts and what happened from your perspective. You should also collect witnesses’ contact information and ask for their statements.
Get medical treatment
You cannot seek damages for injuries that you did not have treated. In addition, because your adrenaline runs so high during stressful situations, you may not feel the extent of your injuries right away. Therefore, have the paramedics check you out at the scene. If you have severe injuries, allow them to take you to the hospital. If your injuries are minor, visit the hospital or your primary care physician as soon as you can. Then, keep copies of your medical records.
When you seek recompense for your injuries, you need to present the best case. The steps you take after the accident can significantly impact your claims process and compensation amount.