Photo of the Allen Wellman Harvey Keyes Cooley, LLP logo on the office building name board

Our Experience Matters
Since 1918, our full-service law firm has been getting results for our clients. We can do the same for you.

Is It Important To Get Legal Advice On Elder Care Issues?

The “golden years” can be a stressful time of change. As parents and grandparents lose the ability to live independently, the legal issues can become numerous and complex. There are health care options, estate planning issues, long-term care matters, power-of-attorney decisions, living wills, retirement, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid options, guardianship and end-of-life issues all to consider. The elder law attorneys at Allen Wellman Harvey Keyes Cooley, LLP, can provide you with expert and compassionate guidance as you and your family navigate these difficult times.

A Team Of Compassionate Lawyers Guiding You Through Difficult Issues

Elder law issues are getting more and more complicated. Our elder law attorneys can support you and your family as you make planning choices with or for your loved ones and the related legal ramifications.

We can help with:

  • Wills and estate planning: Providing advice about caring for adults or minors who have special needs, and probate proceedings
  • A durable power of attorney: Deciding who will make financial and property decisions in the event of incapacity.
  • Power of attorney for health care: Deciding who will make health care decisions in the event of incapacity and the responsibilities that person will have
  • Financial planning: Planning for long-term housing and how to pay for it; providing legal counsel about income, estate and gift tax matters; providing guidance for asset structuring to prepare for long-term care needs
  • Legal guardianship: What is required of the person selected and how to appoint the appropriate legal guardian
  • Long-term care facilities: Managing assisted living costs; explaining nursing home resident rights; abuse, neglect or exploitation at the care facility; and helping filing claims
  • Living wills and additional advance directives: Helping you voice your wishes about the use of life support measures and whether and when a “do not resuscitate” order
  • Protecting assets: Setting up trusts; choosing a trustee and financial advice

Both federal and state laws apply to elder care matters. If you fail to plan properly, it could cost your family a significant deal of money and also diminish your planning options. An experienced elder care lawyer can help you avoid costly, time-consuming errors and help you properly plan to maximize the financial security of your loved ones.

What Can Complicate Your Decisions?

Matters that can make elder law planning more complex include:

  • Second or subsequent marriages/blended families
  • Business assets
  • Farmland
  • Disabled family members
  • Gifting your estate to a charity
  • Substantial assets, including 401(K)s and IRAs
  • Divorce
  • A family member’s recent death
  • Taxable estates

Indiana’s Experienced Elder Care Lawyers

We will work to protect your family’s rights and assets, supporting their decisions from our Greenfield offices. Call toll-free at 866-958-6354 or contact us via our online form.