Photo of the Allen Wellman Harvey Keyes Cooley, LLP logo on the office building name board

Our Experience Matters
Since 1918, our full-service law firm has been getting results for our clients. We can do the same for you.

Helping You Clear Your Arrest Or Conviction Record

Today, many employers and landlords rely on background searches to screen candidates for job postings and apartment leases. If you have been arrested or charged with an offense, your record could limit your ability to get a well-paying job, secure a lease or pursue other endeavors. Unfortunately, one encounter with the criminal justice system can haunt you for the rest of your life.

If you qualify to have your record expunged, however, you lessen the need to worry about what a background search will unearth because your record will be sealed from the public record. At Allen Wellman Harvey Keyes Cooley, LLP, our criminal defense attorneys have the skills you need to handle all aspects related to this process. We use our substantial understanding of Indiana’s criminal laws and procedures to get favorable results.

What You Need To Know About Expungement

When you meet with our criminal defense lawyers, we will study your record before we recommend your next steps. Not all convictions, particularly sex or violent offenses, qualify for an expungement. You can rely on our lawyers to give you an honest assessment of your options.

To have your conviction expunged, you will need to satisfy requirements that include:

  • A required passage of time since your conviction
  • Completing the terms of your sentence, which includes probation
  • Paying all court fees and fines related to your criminal matter
  • Keeping a clean record since your conviction

Proving that you can stay out of trouble is important. Your expungement petition will not be approved if you are facing charges and have been convicted of a criminal offense within a certain period. Although misdemeanor and felony convictions may be expunged, there are different waiting periods for this type of relief.

While there are many criminal defense firms in Indiana, not all of them regularly handle this intricate issue, but we regularly do so. We have decades of experience representing clients throughout Indiana with criminal matters that include expungements and other post-conviction issues.

Arrange Your Consultation Today

Learn whether your conviction or arrest record is eligible for expungement during your case review. We are ready to assist you with your petition, your expungement hearing or other legal concern.

Contact us online or over the phone at 317-468-2355 or 866-958-6354 for a free consultation.

Located in Greenfield, our firm serves clients throughout central Indiana.