Comprehensive Child Custody And Support Representation
In any divorce involving children or paternity matter, the child’s well-being and best interests are paramount. Child custody and support matters frequently are among the most contentious areas in a dissolution of marriage. Many parents have difficulty with the prospect of arranging a parenting plan. At Allen Wellman Harvey Keyes Cooley, LLP, we understand how important your children are to you.
If you are facing divorce with children, or have a child out of wedlock, our child custody attorneys can explain the nuances of Indiana law to help you make informed decisions in arriving at a workable custody and parenting-time arrangement. We will fully review the relevant details surrounding your family dynamics and guide you every step of the way to achieve a favorable outcome.
Diligent Preparation Is The Key To Success
We view family law disputes from the perspective that preparing for trial from the beginning of the attorney-client relationship serves the best interests of our clients. Our diligent review of the facts from day one allows us to craft the best strategies to obtain the most favorable results. Whether a legal matter is ultimately resolved in mediation, through direct negotiations with the opposing party or at trial, diligent preparation is the key to success.
The family dynamics in every domestic relations case are unique. We have substantial experience in complex custody and parenting-time (sometimes called visitation) matters. Many individuals do not work a traditional 9-to-5 schedule. Our lawyers are committed to protecting the interests of our clients and their children when custody disputes are involved in a divorce or paternity matter.
Creative Solutions In Child Support Matters
Child support obligations can be as contentious as child custody matters. While the primary residence of the child and parenting-time schedule are important factors in determining child support matters, a range of factors must be addressed to protect the interests of children. Individual differences in a specific situation may require an appropriate deviation from the Indiana child support guidelines. We fully review each factor and craft the best legal strategy to zealously guard the rights of our clients and their children.
Resolving High-Conflict Parenting-Time Disputes
Attorney Dawn Wellman is a registered parenting coordinator. Parents who are unable to resolve parenting-time disputes often need the assistance of a third-party neutral to find a resolution focused on the needs of the child. Backed with deep knowledge of Indiana family law, she can facilitate meaningful discussions in high-conflict disputes to assist parents in obtaining resolution to difficult parenting-time concerns.
Turn To An Experienced Lawyer To Protect Your Rights
For experienced representation and exceptional personal service in your child custody and support matter, contact us online or call 317-468-2355 or 866-958-6354 toll-free. Our main office is located in downtown Greenfield, Indiana. Clients may also meet a lawyer by appointment in our satellite office in Indianapolis.