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Specialized Driving Privileges Have Replaced Hardship Licenses In Indiana

Having your driver’s license suspended is no minor event. There are many reasons the state may suspend driving privileges, ranging from a DUI/OWI offense to the failure to pay for traffic tickets or child support and more. For many years, our clients have asked about the process to obtain a hardship or probationary license to get back on the road. In 2015, Indiana made vast changes to the law to allow more people with suspended licenses to gain the legal ability to travel to and from work, drive to the grocery store, or to pick up the kids from school.

Thorough Preparation Is Vital In Obtaining Specialized Driving Privileges

Because the law gives judges broad discretion in granting privileges, it is critical that you have a well-prepared legal presentation in court to obtain the most favorable outcome. The trial attorneys at Allen Wellman Harvey Keyes Cooley, LLP, are well-equipped to help you obtain specialized driving privileges under the new law. We pride ourselves on our diligence in preparing every matter for court.

Hardship licenses and probationary licenses have been replaced with specialized driving privileges. Indiana courts have the authority to grant these important privileges to a wider variety of people. Most drivers who have had their licenses suspended, including habitual traffic offenders, are eligible to ask a judge for specialized privileges.

Courts may impose restrictions and conditions on a driver’s specialized privileges, such as restrictions on time and location of travel, or requiring that a driver have an ignition interlock device installed on his or her car.

There are a few limited exceptions to the eligibility rules. A driver who has never had a valid license in Indiana, CDL holders, individuals who have refused to take a DUI-related chemical test and drivers convicted of a motor vehicle offense that resulted in the death of another are not eligible for specialized driving privileges under the new statute.

Call To Get Your Specialized Driving Privileges

To learn how our experienced specialized driving privileges lawyers can fight to get you back on the road, call 317-468-2355 or 866-958-6354 toll-free. You may also send us an email to contact the firm. Our main office is in Greenfield. We also meet clients by appointment in our satellite office Indianapolis.