Facing an impaired driving charge in Indiana can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. The uncertainty of what's to come can be paralyzing, leaving you with more questions than answers. However, you can get through this challenging time with the proper guidance...
The role of breathalyzers in OWI cases
You can face charges for operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) in Indiana if your breath or blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level is at least .08%. To measure this, law enforcement officers can use chemical tests during a traffic stop. One such chemical test...
The impact of an OWI on your driving privileges in Indiana
There’s a very good reason why driving is a privilege and not a right; you need to prove that you have the skills and road safety know-how to operate a vehicle. You also need to show that you’re aware of the rules of the road and agree to follow them. But while you...
You can get an OWI for drunkenly operating a motorboat
Like most other U.S. states, Indiana prohibits driving while under the influence of alcohol or an intoxicating substance. Drivers caught violating the law face an operating while intoxicated (OWI) charge, which can lead to penalties on conviction. But Indiana also has...
Is driving a necessary part of an OWI charge?
In Indiana, if you have a blood alcohol concentration above 0.08%, it is against the law to operate a motor vehicle. Operating a vehicle while intoxicated may lead to your arrest and criminal charges. You do not have to be driving to violate the law, however. Driving...
How to prevent OWI for legal drugs
You know you should not drive while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. However, prescribed medications that you take legally to treat medical conditions can also have side effects that impair your driving ability. These can include both prescription...
More drivers are testing positive for drugs compared to alcohol
At Allen Wellman Harvey Keyes Cooley, LLP, we understand how seriously Indiana views offenses for driving under the influence or operating a vehicle while intoxicated. A DUI or OWI conviction could affect your job and your future. While some non-alcoholic substances...
Know the penalties for Indiana OWI
Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated dramatically increases the risk of a serious accident. Indiana can punish OWI offenders with jail time, fines and other administrative penalties. If you face a court date for Indiana OWI, read on to understand the possible...