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How to plan for loved ones with disabilities in Indiana

If you have a child, sibling or friend with developmental issues in Indiana, sometimes it’s best to think about and plan for their future so they can live a meaningful life. Of course, the government can provide for some of their needs through the Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income programs, though this income is often not enough to cover everything.

A special needs trust

A Special Needs Trust (SNT) can help provide additional financial support and other resources like therapies or services that government benefits do not cover. Your trustee, someone you choose to manage the trust, will distribute or invest funds according to the trust document you create. It doesn’t interfere with government benefits because the trust owns the assets you left for your loved ones. So when the Social Security Administration checks their eligibility, they won’t consider the money from the trust.

A letter of intent

You might want to create a letter of intent or a mission statement as part of your plan for someone with developmental disabilities in Indiana. The goal is to provide information and guidance about the individual’s needs, what kind of services they require now and in the future and how you would like them taken care of if something happens to you. This estate planning document can help family members understand your wishes better so they can follow it up accordingly after you have gone.

Reviewing your plans regularly

It’s important to review your plan regularly to ensure that all of the services they receive are still available and that the care they get is up to date with current standards. You should also evaluate any changes in government regulations or laws to make the necessary changes to your plans to keep them valid. Finally, ensure to update everyone involved in their care as time goes by because they might also experience a change in their circumstance that might prevent them from conducting their responsibilities.

Planning for loved ones with developmental disabilities can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With careful consideration and the right support, you can create a plan that will ensure their future is secure.