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Can social media hurt your personal injury claim?

Social media is a convenient and useful communication tool. Unfortunately, it can also be a problem for those in the middle of a personal injury claim because social media content can be considered a form of evidence. While you can use social media to strengthen your personal injury case, the defendant can use your social media against you. 

You are not entitled to privacy if you have a public social media account. In a personal injury claim, if you post on social media, it is fair game for the other side. It is legal to use communication from social media sites as evidence in a case. You may think that you are having a private conversation via social media, but beware that any digital communication could be discovered and used against you. 

Even if you have a valid case, remember the opposition will try to spin your story. Lawyers and other people can twist anything you say. Be careful on social media. Stay selective in what you share about the case or about your injury. Always keep your injury claim in mind when posting. For instance, you may be excited about attending an event, but by posting it, the other party might claim your injury does not affect your happiness or lifestyle. 

Everything you share on social media is public record. Be careful of the pictures and statuses you post. 

None of the above is to be used as legal advice. Instead, it is strictly for educational purposes.