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What types of careers lead to higher divorce rates?

The earlier months of the year tend to be the most popular times for couples to split up. Many consider January and February as the worst months of the year, and spouses use the holidays before and during this period to reexamine their relationships. It also isn’t fun for employees to get back to work during the coldest, dreariest and most exhausting times of the year in Indiana.

Unfortunately, that early year blues for both the home life and work life might have more connections than people realize. One of the more common reasons for a couple’s separation is because of the career choices made by one or both spouses. Several websites often rank which jobs have the highest divorce rates, leading many to speculate which industries have more husbands and wives that end up separating. However, the most important aspect to take away from these studies is not which job is the definitively worst one for marriages, but what the most recurring causes were.

Jobs that involve traveling and long hours

Last month, women’s magazine Bustle released their top 11 jobs that will likely end in divorce. Out of the 11 spots, 3 of them involve careers in the military. Most Indiana residents likely won’t be surprised by this, as the long and unpredictable amount of time military spouses are gone for has led to military divorces becoming its own category.

However, they are far from the only job that involves constant travel. Flight attendants, truck drivers and other transportation jobs often rank high on various divorce job lists as well. While some couples can handle being apart for a long period of time, many spouses are left feeling disappointed that they do not get to spend as much time to their beloved as they like. This can also apply to positions that force a spouse to spend long or awkward hours that put a dent in the couple’s schedule such as law enforcement.

Jobs that do not pay well

A study by FlowingData shows that people with higher paying jobs tend to have lower divorce rates. When a couple has more money between both parties, they have less financial struggles and do not have to worry about house payments, raising children or credit card bills as much.

Bartenders had one of the highest divorce rates on FlowingData’s job list. Not only do they work long, nightly hours that barely give them any time to see their husbands and wives, but they also had a small median salary coming in below $20,000. The median household income of middle-class families in Indiana is around $72,000. If one spouse is spending all of these hours working and not even making half of what the average married worker in the state should earn, then their partner may not think the marriage is worth it.

While some spouses are willing to change their job and location just to be with their partner, that will not apply to everyone. It isn’t unnatural for a career to interfere with your love life, whether it is due to yours or your spouse’s. If you feel either you or your partner’s jobs will result in your marriage dissolving, you should seek legal aid as soon as you can to help you get the most out of the settlement.