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Understanding medical negligence in peripheral artery disease treatment

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a serious condition that can have debilitating effects. Left untreated, it can lead to intense leg pain, heart attacks and stroke. Proper treatment is crucial to prevent the disease from progressing.

Medical negligence can occur during PAD treatment. This may lead to severe consequences. Below are the things you should know as a patient.

Understanding PAD and its treatment

PAD is a circulatory condition that narrows arteries, reducing blood flow to your limbs, particularly your legs. Doctors typically treat PAD through lifestyle changes, medication or surgical interventions. The treatment choice depends on the severity of your condition and overall health.

Common treatments include:

  • Lifestyle modifications (e.g., quitting smoking and exercising)
  • Medications to improve blood flow
  • Angioplasty and stenting
  • Bypass surgery

Another treatment option is atherectomy. It is an outpatient procedure that uses catheters fitted with blades to cut off plaque and buildup along the arteries.

The risks of atherectomies

Because it is an invasive procedure, atherectomies come with risks. The procedure can accidentally cut too deep and create a hole in the artery. This may lead to bleeding complications that can be fatal. It can also lead to embolization when the removed fat blocks another artery. Apart from possible death, severe complications can also force doctors to amputate the leg.

Recognizing medical negligence in PAD treatment

Even if your PAD treatment is minimally invasive, medical malpractice may still occur and lead to complications. It helps to be aware of the following potential issues:

  • Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis
  • Failure to order appropriate tests
  • Improper medication management
  • Surgical errors during interventions
  • Inadequate follow-up care

If you suspect medical negligence in your PAD treatment, it is essential to seek legal advice promptly. This is especially true if an invasive procedure, such as an atherectomy, leads to severe complications. An experienced medical malpractice attorney can help you understand your rights and potential legal options.

While medical negligence in PAD treatment can have grave consequences, understanding the risks and taking appropriate precautions can help safeguard your health.