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Who is eligible for drug court?

If you struggle with substance use and face drug-related charges in Hancock County, you may qualify for drug court. This diversion program provides treatment for addiction while potentially helping you obtain a reduced sentence.

Review the eligibility requirements if you or a loved one has pending charges associated with drug or alcohol use.

Criminal history

You can apply for drug court through the prosecutor’s office in Hancock County as long as your history is clear of major convictions. Most people who participate are first-time offenders.

You must have pending charges for a nonviolent crime such as possession of drugs or paraphernalia, driving while intoxicated, forgery, fraud, burglary or theft. The court will confirm that your conduct resulted from drug or alcohol addiction.

Financial qualification

You must be able to pay the program fees before your upcoming court date to qualify for drug court. These currently include $333 in base fees, a $170 program fee for pretrial diversion and court fees totaling $163.

Program participation

Hancock County requires participants to adhere to all program requirements. You must agree to:

  • Meet with a team of criminal justice leaders every two weeks
  • Perform a specified number of community service hours
  • Maintain employment
  • Submit to random drug and alcohol screening

In addition to receiving criminal treatment for substance use disorder, you will receive help with goals for your career, education and life outside the criminal justice system.

Currently, 55 circuit courts in Indiana have drug diversion programs. You or your attorney can request a referral if you have pending drug or alcohol charges in Hancock County or another local municipality.