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Requesting a child support modification in Indiana

When you have an arrangement in place where you pay child support in Indiana, you must continue to pay the amount dictated by your child support order unless you secure a court order that changes it. There are certain situations where you, the paying parent, or the receiving parent, wishes to ask the state to reconsider the amount of child support paid or received. There is also a certain format you must follow to request a child support modification.

Per, there are two circumstances under which you may be able to request a change to your existing child support order.

When the original order is at least a year old

Either parent may request a child support order review and modification if certain circumstances exist. To do so, the amount current child support guidelines would come up with must differ from the amount currently paid or received by at least 20%.

When a substantial and continuing change in circumstances occurs

You or your child’s other parent may also request a review of your child support order without waiting three years if there is a “substantial and continuing change in circumstances.” Common examples of this might include job loss, a professional demotion or a pay cut. If the child who the support order covers experiences changes to his or her health insurance, this may also constitute such a change.

If your family is currently a recipient of Temporary Aid for Needy Families, then your child support order undergoes an automatic review every three years without you having to take any action.