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Can a child refuse parenting time?

Whether you are a custodial parent or you only see your children according to the terms of a court order, you know that custody and visitation issues are especially challenging for parents as well as children. When it comes to parenting time, there are many factors to consider, including the possibility that a child does not want to spend time with one of their parents.

If your child wants to refuse parenting time, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities in accordance with state law. Moreover, do your best to help them work through this challenging time.

When a child does not want parenting time

In some instances, children want to refuse parenting time. However, the State of Indiana’s website reports that children do not have the ability to refuse parenting time. In the event that a child is hesitant to cooperate, both parents have to make sure that the child is compliant with court-ordered parenting time.

Helping children who want to avoid parenting time

There are various reasons why children do not want to spend time with their other parent. From changes in their lives to frustration with their other parent for one reason or another, some kids do not want to see their other parent. Sometimes, these feelings dissipate quickly, while other children struggle with these feelings for years.

As a parent, you need to remain understanding and help your child work through these hurdles. If you believe that the other parent poses a threat to your child’s well-being when they spend time together, make sure you take steps to protect your child.