Photo of the Allen Wellman Harvey Keyes Cooley, LLP logo on the office building name board

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Since 1918, our full-service law firm has been getting results for our clients. We can do the same for you.

Business Law Articles

The following articles have been authored by our attorneys to provide general information on issues of importance regarding business law. The content of the articles is not intended to serve as legal advice specific to your situation. For legal advice, please contact us using the contact box at the bottom of this page.

Avoid Double Taxation: Does my Corporation Qualify? by Brandy M. Kumfer May 2013

Employer Obligations Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act by Jay F. Brubaker December, 2012

Five Contract Tips for the Business Owner by Kevin G. Harvey August, 2011

The Implications of Indiana’s New Immigration Legislation for Employers by Jay F. Brubaker November, 2011

PLEASE NOTE: Articles published by Allen Wellman Harvey Keyes Cooley, LLP, are written for the purpose of providing general legal information, only. The facts of each case or situation are unique, and in some instances the general information in an article may not be applicable or may not apply as described in the article. For advice that is specific to your particular situation, please schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys. The provision of information in articles is not intended to and does not create an attorney-client relationship.