A healthcare proxy plays a key role in making medical decisions when you are unable to do so yourself. This person, also called a healthcare representative in Indiana, steps in if you become incapacitated due to illness or injury. Choosing the right proxy ensures people will honor your medical preferences.
What authority does a healthcare proxy have?
A healthcare proxy has the legal power to make healthcare decisions on your behalf. This includes approving or refusing medical treatments, selecting healthcare providers, and deciding on long-term care options. In Indiana, the authority of a healthcare representative is outlined in the Indiana Health Care Consent Act. Your proxy must follow any instructions you provide in a healthcare directive.
How do you appoint a healthcare proxy?
To appoint a healthcare proxy in Indiana, you must complete an advance directive, such as a healthcare power of attorney. You must sign this document in the presence of a notary or two adult witnesses. You can specify your medical preferences to guide your proxy’s decisions. Without a named proxy, Indiana law assigns decision-making power to a close family member or guardian.
What qualities should a healthcare proxy have?
Your healthcare proxy should be someone you trust to respect your wishes. They must be willing to advocate for your choices, even in difficult situations. Good communication skills and an understanding of your medical values are essential. Your proxy should also be available and capable of making informed decisions under pressure.
Updating your healthcare proxy designation
Life changes may require updating your proxy designation. If relationships shift or your original proxy is no longer available, you should revise your advance directive. In Indiana, you can revoke or change your proxy by completing a new document and informing relevant parties, such as your doctor and family members.
Ensuring your medical wishes are honored
A healthcare proxy gives you control over your medical care, even when you cannot speak for yourself. By selecting a trusted representative and documenting your wishes, you help ensure that your healthcare decisions align with your values.