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Can a DUI lawyer negotiate a better outcome for you?

Dealing with a DUI charge in Indiana can be overwhelming, especially if alcohol consumption is involved. However, hiring a skilled criminal defense attorney can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Here are several ways an attorney can assist.

Challenging the evidence

A criminal defense attorney will thoroughly review the evidence against you, such as breath or blood test results, police conduct, and other relevant aspects of the case. If the arresting officer failed to follow proper procedures or violated your civil rights, an attorney can use these details to contest the evidence. Test results may also be flawed, particularly if the testing equipment was not calibrated correctly. By challenging these issues, an attorney can weaken the prosecution’s case.

Negotiating a plea agreement

A DUI attorney can negotiate with the prosecution to secure a plea agreement that minimizes penalties like jail time or fines. Plea deals can be advantageous for both sides, as they avoid the time and costs associated with a trial. An experienced attorney may be able to negotiate reduced charges, potentially lowering a DUI to a lesser offense that has less severe consequences for your future.

Exploring dismissal possibilities

Indiana law provides several opportunities for dismissing a DUI case. If evidence was improperly handled, test results were inaccurate, or there was no probable cause for the traffic stop, a defense attorney can argue for case dismissal. Investigating all possible avenues for dismissal is essential to securing a good result.

Facing a DUI charge is challenging, but with the right legal support, it becomes a manageable process. A dedicated attorney can help you navigate the complexities of your case and work toward the most favorable outcome, giving you the chance to move forward with your life.