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Alternating weeks may not be best for child custody

One of the main issues that parents in Indiana need to consider when divorcing is how to divide parenting time with their children. Many parents think that a schedule of having children spend alternating weeks with each parent is one of the best solutions. However, you may want to consider other better solutions for you and your children.

Always consider your children

Although alternating weeks may initially seem like the best solution and your soon-to-be ex-spouse when it comes to child custody issues, take another look at the situation. Have you asked their opinion? It may not be. Children, especially younger ones, may suffer separation anxiety when confronted with a rigid schedule. If you attempt to develop a co-parenting plan, get your children involved. Asking them how they want to spend time with either parent can help determine the best route.

Why 50/50 plans don’t work

spending an entire week with one parent and then the alternating week with the other parent often doesn’t work due to various factors. Your children may be more comfortable with you or the other parent for specific events. Also, it doesn’t consider that children will spend an entire week away from the other parent under this agreement. Younger children are particularly affected by this arrangement.

Consider creative ways to share your children

Various options are available for divorcing parents to share custody of their children. Once the shock of the separation has eased, asking your children how they would like to spend their time with each of their parents can alleviate tension. Working out a custody agreement can include creative arrangements such as extended weekends, or 2-3-3-2, or other solutions can help your children cope.

Don’t forget to discuss winter, spring and summer vacations with your ex-spouse and kids. Each may have ideas on what they want to accomplish and enjoy during those times. Remember that parenting agreements aim to keep your children as comfortable and loved as possible following your divorce.