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What are the biggest mistakes men make during divorce?

Traditionally, men in Indiana and elsewhere are taught they have to be strong and macho. As a result, they may act and react in certain ways in any given situation. This includes divorce, which is a time when men may commonly make certain mistakes.

Not taking their spouse seriously

Men often make the mistake of not taking their spouse seriously when they say they want to end the marriage. However, it’s possible for the spouse to have already made up their mind about what they want out of a divorce in matters such as property division, alimony and child support. The spouse may even already be discussing things with an attorney. Instead of shrugging it off, men should take their spouses seriously at the beginning of the divorce talk.

Immediately moving out of the marital home

In many cases of unpleasant situations, men shut down or run away from the problem. This is a mistake and they should instead tackle the problem head-on. One of the most common ways they might do this is to immediately move out of the marital home. However, when children are involved, it’s critical to stay in the home to retain constant interaction with them.

Being mean to their spouse

Behaving with nastiness and meanness toward a spouse is one of the biggest mistakes men can make during a divorce. His feelings may be hurt and he might not be able to appropriately convey his true feelings toward his spouse, but being a bully won’t help matters. When men bully their spouses, it sends the court the message that they are the bad guy in the divorce, which can work against them.

Overlooking their finances

Finances are one of the biggest matters in a divorce. Men often make the mistake of overlooking money at this time, but everything comes with a cost. It’s necessary for men to carefully watch joint bank and credit card accounts, separate their finances and create individual accounts that are in their name alone. Debts should also be dealt with and other financial documents should be carefully handled.

Going through a divorce isn’t easy, but men can mitigate the situation by avoiding these mistakes.