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Three simple steps to remember while co-parenting with a narcissist

Each year, many married couples in Indiana decide they can no longer make things work. If you and your former spouse have children together, you’ll need to develop a co-parenting plan. Unfortunately, the post-divorce process can become harder if you’re co-parenting with someone who shows narcissistic traits. Here are some helpful tips for co-parenting with a narcissist.

Create clear terms in your custody agreement

No child custody arrangement is complete without an official custody agreement. This legal document details the custody arrangements between two parents. With that in mind, this part of the divorce process can be tough on a narcissist. Because they don’t like giving up control, a narcissist might try to regain it by breaking any unclear rules in a custody arrangement. With clear custody arrangement terms, it’s much more difficult for a narcissist to take over control.

Have records of all communications

While it might be an unpleasant thought, co-parenting involves communicating with your former spouse. When this happens, communicate through emails, texts or something similar. This creates records of your communications, which is helpful if your narcissistic ex-spouse tries to create false accusations.

Surround yourself with a positive circle of people

It’s understandable to feel lonesome after going through a divorce. Fortunately, you can help yourself feel better by surrounding yourself with a circle of close friends and family. You might also use this time to attend local group events or better yourself by starting an exercise routine. It’s also smart to think about new activities you can start doing with your children. Keeping yourself busy with new things is a key factor in separating yourself from your former life.

To wrap things up, co-parenting with a narcissist can feel challenging. While going through a divorce can be tough, it’s completely survivable. In time, you’ll enjoy life away from the perils of being in a relationship with a narcissist.