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How much can an Indiana OWI raise your insurance rates?

An Indiana conviction for operating while intoxicated has the potential to change your life in many ways. You may have to spend time in jail and pay a substantial amount in fines. You may also have to install an ignition interlock device on your car. If you are a first-time offender, you should expect to lose your license for 180 days, too. You should also plan on your automotive insurance rates rising in the wake of an OWI conviction.

How much more could you pay to insure yourself behind the wheel with a drunk driving conviction on your record? According to, a first-time Indiana drunk driving conviction raises your annual insurance costs by an average of about 37 percent.

Calculating the increase

If you had a mostly clean driving record ahead of your drunk driving conviction, you may have paid somewhere in the range of $1,057 per year for car insurance. After a 37 percent increase, though, you are looking at paying closer to $1,450 annually for insurance, which is an annual increase of almost $400.

Shopping for insurance

Because paying almost $400 more for insurance in addition to other OWI-related fees and expenses may bee difficult, you may want to shop more than one insurance provider to see who offers you the most favorable terms.

Some insurance companies hesitate before covering, or refuse to cover, drivers who have drunk driving convictions. Other companies charge substantially more. Either way, it may serve you well to explore your options before signing on with a particular insurance company.