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How much is too much marijuana?

How much marijuana is too much in Indiana? Any amount? Well, it’s not that simple.

With drug reform and decriminalization sweeping through other states, the line between legal and illegal has blurred.

Buying in the next state over might be perfectly legal there, but being caught with legally purchased marijuana will still get you in trouble in Indiana. With Sen. Karen Tallian’s SB0114 bill submitted at the top of this year to decriminalize marijuana charges, the line might get even blurrier.

For now, marijuana is a criminalized substance in Indiana. Even so, there are degrees of punishment. Possession of a joint does not merit the same weight as being caught with a brick. 

Any possession, period, is a Class B misdemeanor. This includes having it on your person, growing it on your property or letting it grow wild on your property, i.e failing to destroy any known marijuana plants you may have. 

Possession of more than 30 grams (just over one ounce) of marijuana or repeat violations of possession is a level-six felony. 

While legislation is being put forward here and in other states, it is still important to understand the laws we have presently. Senator Tallian’s bill would reduce penalties for low amounts of possession to Class C infractions for first offenses and Class C misdemeanors for subsequent offenses. We will be keeping an eye on the bill’s progress.

This article is not to be considered legal advice but we do encourage you to remain aware of drug possession laws as they change as well as your rights as a defendant.