If you have been found to be driving under the influence of alcohol in Indiana, you will be subject to the consequences of an OWI. This will mean that you will face a driving suspension, a fine and potentially jail time.
However, the state of Indiana has recognized that losing a driving license can cause a person to be unable to work, and therefore, can lead to a loss of income. Because of this, the state used to issue hardship licenses to eligible people. In 2015, hardship licenses were replaced by specialized driving privileges.
How are specialized driving privileges different to hardship licenses?
Specialized driving privileges are different from hardship licenses because they are more inclusive of individuals and situations. They allow judges to have discretion regarding whether privileges should be granted to an individual charged with an OWI.
What could be the consequences of gaining specialized driving privileges?
Getting specialized driving privileges does not mean that you will be able to use your car freely. However, it will limit the extent to which you are negatively affected by the suspension. You may be granted the right to drive to and from work so that you are able to continue gaining an income, for example. Additionally, you may be able to pick up your children from school. You will still be limited regarding the times you can drive and the locations that you can drive to.
If you have received a driving suspension, you should look into the possibilities of gaining specialized driving privileges in Indiana so that you can continue to work.