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How can I help my child adapt to a new visitation schedule?

Children tend to thrive when they have a strong routine in place. Therefore, when a custody arrangement is modified, it can take some time before a child adapts to it. This can be a disconcerting experience for many parents, and they may wonder whether the custody modification is truly acting in their best interests.

If you want to make the best of the modified custody arrangement, it is important that you communicate well with both the other parent and your child. The following are some tips to make the transition go more smoothly.

Get to the root of the reason for your child’s discontent

Rather than assuming that your child’s difficulty adapting to the custody change is due to a shift in routine, you should try speaking to them about it. The conversation that you have will depend on the child’s age. They may feel confused by the changes, and it is important that you explain why the adjustments are taking place, as well as address any concerns.

Question whether the custody arrangement is suitable

If your child is suffering due to their new routine, it is important to question whether the new arrangement is truly in their best interests. Perhaps, for example, they need to get up at an earlier time because transport to school takes longer from the other parent’s house. This can have a significant effect on their education, and issues such as these should be addressed.

If you have concerns about how your child is affected by their custody arrangement, it is important to take action and look into the possibility of modification.