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Can you get a restricted license after a DUI conviction?

A DUI conviction in Indiana has serious consequences. It includes the suspension of your driver’s license. Losing your driving privileges can disrupt your life. This is especially true if you rely on your vehicle for work or daily needs. However, you may have options to regain some driving privileges. Let’s explore how to get a restricted license after a DUI conviction in Indiana.

What are the eligibility requirements for a restricted license?

Indiana law has specific rules for getting a restricted driver’s license after a DUI conviction. These rules depend on your blood alcohol content (BAC) at the time, if it’s your first offense, and if there are any serious factors. To qualify for a restricted license, you must:

Complete part of your license suspension.

  • Install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) in your vehicle.
  • Show proof of financial responsibility, usually with SR-22 insurance.
  • Pay all required reinstatement fees.

The exact rules and how long you have the restricted license depend on your DUI case. Indiana Code covers these rules, so knowing how it applies to your situation is important.

What restrictions apply?

If you get a restricted license, you can only drive for specific reasons set by the court. These reasons usually include:

  • Driving to and from work.
  • Going to school or educational programs.
  • Attending necessary medical appointments.
  • Completing court-ordered activities.

A restricted license does not give you full driving rights. You cannot drive for fun or other unapproved reasons. Breaking the rules of your restricted license will likely bring more penalties, like a longer suspension or even jail time.

How can you maintain your freedom after a DUI conviction?

Getting a restricted license after a DUI conviction involves a complex legal process with specific steps and rules. An attorney who knows Indiana DUI law can help you meet all the criteria and understand the limits of a restricted license. They can support you and help you achieve the best possible outcome for your situation.