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What are the penalties for impaired driving in Indiana?

Facing an impaired driving charge in Indiana can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. The uncertainty of what’s to come can be paralyzing, leaving you with more questions than answers.

However, you can get through this challenging time with the proper guidance and support. In this blog, we’ll break down the penalties for operating a car while intoxicated (OWI) in the state. By understanding the laws and consequences, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions and take control of your situation.

The punishment for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated

Those facing impaired driving charges may receive a penalty of incarceration, fines and license revocation. They may also have to complete a substance abuse education course and pay court costs, which can amount to at least $300.

  • First offense: On your first impaired driving charge, you must pay a maximum fine of $5,000. You will also have to serve a one-year jail time and lose your license for up to two years.
  • Second offense:  On your second offense, the maximum fine goes up to $10,000 and prison time can last for up to three years. You may also lose your license for up to two years.
  • Third offense: On your third offense, you may spend up to three years in jail and pay a maximum of $10,000 fine. This time, license revocation may last up to 10 years.

Additionally, those who commit a third or subsequent offense receive the habitual substance offender classification. With this punishment, you may face a longer prison term lasting between one and eight years.

Taking control of your future

Facing an impaired driving charge in Indiana can be a daunting experience, but it’s not the end of the road. By understanding the penalties and consequences, you can be more informed on how you can move forward.